

Endless Mountains Health Systems Laboratory is a team committed to quality patient care, providing accurate and timely analysis of patient specimens in a professional and friendly atmosphere. Our priority is to treat patients with respect, understanding and consideration during all three phases – pre-analytical, analytical and post analytical – of the laboratory process.

EMHS Laboratory is a clinical facility providing care to our inpatients, outpatients and emergency department.

You can arrange an appointment by calling 278-3801 ext. 1600. You will need a written physician’s script for laboratory tests. Prescriptions may be faxed to 570-278-5533. Please register at the outpatient registration desk prior to testing.

EMHS Laboratory offers a wide range of testing in chemistry, hematology, urinalysis, serology and blood bank.

EMHS Laboratory is accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. We participate in proficiency testing with the AAB.

We arrange most reference testing with local laboratories.

Hours of operation

Sunday: Closed

Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 11:30am

Laboratory Staff

Our staff stays current by attending continuing education seminars and reading professional journals. Recently staff attended seminars on HIV, hepatitis and a blood bank informational by American Red Cross. 

We are here to serve you. 

If you have any questions or comments, you may call the laboratory services manager.